Monday, April 17, 2006

Fems Bash Hippies in Fight for Super Left!

This gem is an article from:

A "Moscow-based Alternative Newspaper"


"The Newspaper that makes Jesse Jackson look like Trent Lott"

There isn't much left to say about this article that it doesn't loudly proclaim itself, especially this glaringly obvious observation: She sounds like a typical college-minded female, recruited in front of the student union building by such a throng of unshorn Ani DiFranco diciple's, it's a wonder PETA didn't show up with red paint and an anti-fur agenda. The real confusion lies in the fact that she reads like a femi-nazi but wants to shop like Barbi... wtf? Ladies, you really are as complex as Cosmo says.

If you get past the first two paragraphs without laugh-barfing your lunch onto your keyboard, you need to cut back your medication. If you aren't actively fighting your monitor by the end of this thing, you are legally dead.

Anti-Consumerism Equals Anti-Womanism

By Naomi Wolf

Women struggling to survive the Bush backlash now have to defend themselves against a new foe: the so-called anti-Globalization activists whose noisy crusade against "Consumerism" is a thinly-disguised attack on one of the few communal women-centric rituals our culture permits: shopping.

Like fat, shopping is a feminist issue. Shopping is the one time contemporary women are allowed to indulge in the activities men take for granted: socializing, networking, negotiating and refashioning the Self. It's not about buying consumer goods, any more than the boys' fishing trips or bowling leagues are about catching fish or knocking down "pins" (and by the way, is it an accident that the bowling pins the boys so love to knock down are shaped like exaggerated female forms, with the small shoulders and wide hips male culture so desires and despises?)

Just look at women shopping, really shopping: you'll see the depth of feeling with which they consult each other, the way conversation slips easily back and forth like the loom of a shuttle knitting Penelope's web. As men always grumble, "shopping takes a long time," and may not yield any purchases at all. It yields something else. It yields sorority, or sisterhood -- a true sorority, not restricted to the blond and wealthy. I have walked the aisles of K-Mart as well as Nieman Marcus, and found the same warm sorority in these humbler shopping sanctuaries, only in bigger styles and lower-quality stitching.

And now a horde of bearded boys in badly-cut hemp trousers have begun smashing the display windows of the shops where American women find a few hours' refuge. Just look at the videos of "activists" attacking clothing stores and you'll see naked male aggression hiding behind clever slogans. Men throwing molotov cocktails in crude feats of strength. Men wielding clubs, smashing female images draped in clothing too subtle for them to price, let alone understand. Men in castoff Army clothes, indulging in a "Green" version of urban assault.

And here and there, hanging back, you will see their misguided, self-hating female collaborators, doing their best to look like their male Alpha-wolf leaders in deliberately unflattering hairstyles and cast-off biker and soldier garments. The sheer unattractiveness of these victims' style is itself the best evidence for the benefits of shopping -- benefits these women have chosen to forego.

What is clear is this: anti-Consumerism is misogyny. To hate shopping and all of its representations is to hate women.

As women cower against the crash of glass, pitifully trying to cover their heads with the tiny shield of a Gold Card, these Green stormtroopers destroy women's last safe inner space, their cultural vulva. And as these stupid boys spread their phallocentric terror under the guise of "anti-Consumerism," right-wing rich men applaud. With every Bloomingdale's mannequin beaten, terrorized and raped by these vandals, the male purveyors of far darker, more sinister fashions -- the burqa, the veil, and the miniskirt -- look on with glee.

In the West, these evil trendsetter moguls would see women reduced again to pinchable secretaries in short skirts designed to make all females over 15 look "old." In the Middle East, they hope to "sell" an equally cruel look: basic black. Head to toe. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

A world where women are squeezed into Barbie minis...or swathed in black this the world we want? Shopping is about choice. And choice is what women demand. A choice of fabric, color and career. Shopping is a human right -- a woman's right!

And SHE grew up in Communist Russia. If you aren't sure Capitalism won the Cold War, ask this emancipated individual. Unfortunately, I don't think she's been laid since.

Fit this woman for a burka and a poppy field, she needs a little perspective.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Catholic League

This is a press released put out by the Catholic League. "For Religious and Civil Rights."

April 12, 2006


On his April 5 CBS radio show, Penn Jillette commented on the rumor that Paris Hilton may play Mother Teresa in a movie. He said Mother Teresa “had this weird kink that I think was sexual” about seeing people suffer and die. He also said that “Paris Hilton is so far above Mother Teresa on the moral scale, she should not lower herself” to playing the saintly nun. After comparing Mother Teresa to Charles Manson, Jillette again said she “got her [sexual] kicks watching people suffer and die.” He concluded by saying, “Paris Hilton. You’re so much better than that. Don’t take the gig. Keep making good wholesome porno films. Just do that. Do what you’re cut out for. Don’t lower yourself to playing Mother Teresa.”

Subsequent to Jillette’s remarks, John London, a radio talk-show host on KIFR/San Francisco (a CBS station that carries Jillette’s show), said that he would offer “$5,000 to the person that kills Jillette” for his attack on Mother Teresa. He added that if Jillette “suffers, I’ll make it $7,000.” London, and his producer, Dennis Cruz, were then fired by the CBS management in New York.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded as follows:

“Last year, Penn Jillette referred to Mother Teresa on his Showtime TV show as ‘Mother F---ing Teresa.’ After I registered a complaint with Sumner Redstone, chairman of Viacom (which owns Showtime, as well as CBS), I was told about the merits of ‘artistic freedom’ and ‘tolerance.’ After Jillette’s latest attack, it is clear that such excuses are wholly unacceptable. It is up to CBS Radio CEO Joel Hollander to fire him. His own record, which includes a vigorous defense of Howard Stern, is also in question. So this is an important moment for him as well.

“Contact Hollander at and demand that CBS dump Jillette immediately. What Jillette said is outside the parameters of irreverent humor—it’s a malicious, obscene frontal assault on Mother Teresa and everything she stands for. And the culprit is a repeat offender, therefore meriting his termination.”

The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. It defends individual Catholics and the institutional Church from defamation and discrimination.

Apprarently they are quite selective when it comes to exactly whose rights they will be defending. As in their's and little else. I honestly don't understand people and organizations who partake in this kind of activity. If these folks feel everyone here has been bestowed with just too darn many rights, there is a stack of countries that will oblige them with an iron fist. Stop trying to fuck this one up.

But no no they say! It is CBS who should change. An enormous, international media giant with an equally enormous audience and marketable talent should change because an obnoxious group of pushy daydreamers couldn't be bothered to watch any other network available. Or read a book, or go outside and play, or take a long, honest look in the mirror and punch themselves in the face.

Joel Hollander and CBS should NOT fire that man. Instead I ask them to make a stand for free speech in a time where religious zealots are attempting to stage a coup against our constitution and demanding people abide by only their rules. Especially over something this trite and trivial.

Not in this country.

Perhaps they need to be reminded of our Freedom of Speech. If I forgot daily, as these people do, of our constitutionally protected right, I might publicly demand that all Catholics were silenced entirely. But I'm not that short-sited. On the other hand, these people can’t wait to demand the removal of rights from others, never for once thinking the day may come when the same is done to them. One main responsibility of living in a free society is TOLERANCE. Forget that and we all lose, for it is much easier to convince those in charge to pick away at our rights than to get them back. Lest these complainers forget it was blood that earned them the right to snivel and whine.

I would also suggest here that offering a cash reward for the torture and murder of an individual, even in jest, falls well short of tolerant and fails to display any of the outstanding morals the Catholic church might hope to be identified with. Frankly, it smacks of fundamentalist Islam instead. I am not a fan of either man, but I support their free speech equally. Unfortunately for John London, the line is drawn at threatening bodily harm.

Have fun finding a new gig John. Maybe you and the guy that suggested we randomly shoot illegal immigrants will find kindred spirits on the 700 Club.

I'm also betting that not once, throughout this entire complete waste of time and energy, that anyone ever considered the grave danger to Paris Hilton's reputation as a social trashcan and her future employability as a webslut. Priorities folks...
