Thursday, September 08, 2005

Celine Dion Holding Poor People Hostage, Protects From Wrath of Hurricane/Poverty!!!!!!


WHY do the donkeys in the media insist upon giving a douche like this a platform? To what end? For what purpose? For what greater good? And can anybody who honestly cares about this bubblehead's opinion really read? Prove it to me and I still won't believe it. Or care.

Hey Celine, give ME $1 million. I'll buy a spot on Larry King Live and smack you with a million dollars worth of pimphand, you dumbshit jerk. That'll put a smile on some faces. Forget water, that's manna from heaven. Allah u Admiral Akbar.

Now please apply at least 30spf sunblock lotion and prepare to bask in her glory as I quotify:

"I open the television, there's people still there waiting to be rescued and for me it's not acceptable. I know there's reasons for it. I'm sorry to say I'm being rude but I don't want to hear those reasons."

I can't see any reason how keeping people locked in her TV will solve anything, but regardless, she was clear. Their freedom is unacceptable.

"Oh, they're stealing 20 pair of jeans or they're stealing television sets. Who cares? They're not going to go too far with it. Maybe those people are so poor, some of the people who do that they're so poor they've never touched anything in their lives. Let them touch those things for once,"

Oh, touch this already. And fuckin' A right they're going far. The nearest working outlet is practically in my goddamn house. But she above all understands the plight of the poor and by god she WILL have them touch these things for once, even if it's yours, thereby solving all dilemmas. That is until Officer Reality Check administers the Tazer of Justice up their plighted cornhole.

"Who cares?" Hey, if it's no big deal, I can show up to your place and take 20 pairs of your jeans and some flat screens, right? They probably cost more than my truck. Oh wait, you didn't think store owners actually paid for those did you? No? Ok, good.

Celine, next time there's a national disaster in Canada, like, you run out of ice, then you can feel free to spout from that cocksuck hidden beneath your vulture's snout....

...on Canadian AM band, at 3am, in the "off" position, unplugged.

Until then, save it you pompous fountain of froggy frivolity, because not one person here gives a salty turd what you think. And we'd be sure to send a warm glass of shut the hell up if we could just stop laughing long enough to find a mail box.


I hate you.